An Index Of Secrets - Scene 10 - “Personification” - Nat Bradley - Video Art


The film "An Index Of Secrets" will be released as a series of scenes weekly on Instagram and YouTube. Upon completion, the scenes will be compiled into a finished film.

Scene 10

How was your meeting with Cleara?

It went well.
It was really fascinating.
This new prototype seems fully functional.
Telepathic communication was instant.

I know that the scientist have integrated future evolutionary theory in the design.
How was her appearance?
Should I be jealous?

Haha, It wouldn’t be proper for me to say.
In all seriousness, she was actually quite beautiful.
The space station protects against ultraviolet radiation, so there is no need for pigmentation.
I am not even sure if referring to Cleara as a “she” is proper.
Reproduction is artificial.
It presents as female but isn’t human.
Because of it’s unique nature, I want to be careful to discuss Cleara's asexuality in a sensitive manner.
At this point, it’s hard to say what the complete intention and future of this design is.

If everything works as planned, Cleara will be the first.
So in that sense alone, perhaps “she” is appropriate because she will be considered “Mother” to all models that follow.

Yes, time will tell Lucian.
It is interesting to think about the dividing line between a “thing” or an “it” and personification.
Especially considering a hybrid.
Something part synthetic and part biological.
Is it even possible that Cleara has feelings about such things?
Surely not in the same way we experience.

I consider myself so lucky to be a part of this mission.
Cynthia exploring Hydralis, our extended communications experiments, and now Cleara.

We are very lucky, but we have also earned our place.
You should never forget that Veronica.
There is a reason why we are here.